450nm 45W Alto Voltaje Láser de fibra acopladaModule Azul Fiber Engraving Laser

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450nm 45W Alto Voltaje Láser de fibra acopladaModule Azul Fiber Engraving Laser

High output power, high brightness.
High reliability,high stability.
High beam quality.

Scientific research
Optical communication
Laser engraving
Metal cutting


Parameter Symbol Typical Value Unit
Optcial Parameters
Output Power Pop 45 W
Wavelength λe 450 nm
Electrial Parameters
Threshold Current Ith 0.3 A
Operating Current Iop 2.5 A
Operating Voltage Vop 36 V
Power Supply Two-way power supply
Fiber Parameters
Core Diameter dcore 400 μm
Numerical Aperture NA 0.22 -
Fiber Length L 1.5 m
Fiber Cable dcable 3/7 mm
Fiber Head - SMA905 -

[Other Parameters]

Parameter Min Max Unit
Operating Temperature -40 60
Relative Operating Humidity - 75 %
Storage Temperature -50 80
Relative Storage Humidity   80 %
Soldering Temperature, Up to 10S - 250
Net Weight 1.8 2 Kg


450nm 45w fiber laser

450nm 45w fiber laser

450nm 45w fiber laser

450nm 45w fiber laser

450nm 45w fiber laser

450nm 45w fiber laser

450nm 45w fiber laser

450nm 45w fiber laser

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