QSI Infrarrojo Diodo láser 808nm 200mW QL80R4S Diodo láser IR Module TO-18 5.6mm

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QSI Infrarrojo Diodo láser 808nm 200mW QL80R4S Diodo láser IR Module TO-18 5.6mm

1. Longitud de onda: 808nm(typ.)
2. Optical Power Output: 200mW CW
3. Package Type: TO-18 (5.6mm)
4. Polarization : TM ( Electric Field Perpendicular to the Junction Plane )

1. Solid state laser excitation 
2. Medical use 
3. Industrial use

QSI 808nm 200mw laser diode

QSI 808nm 200mw laser diode

QSI 808nm 200mw laser diode

QSI 808nm 200mw laser diode

QSI 808nm 200mw laser diode

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